Eelco Ligtvoet

Managing Windows features from the command line with RSAT

Note: An update of this article for Windows 10 can be found here One of the more useful Windows features…

Weird error on Windows 7 with RUNAS.EXE with locally defined user

The other day, I noticed something strange with Windows 7's runas.exe command. When I specify a local user, a local…

Merging videos with mencoder

In this article, I present an easy way to merge all video files in a directory using the Open Source…

CMD.EXE: About Variables

In this article I will give some extra information on the usage of CMD.EXE variables in batch files. These variables…

Speed up folders with many similar named files

This is a little known reghack: When Windows stores files in a folder on an NTFS partition, it still creates…

Windows Explorer search for text in ALL files

You are sure that the text files in a folder contain a certain string, but the Windows Explorer search doesn't…

Network share connections using logical DNS name

Situation: You have an application server, but its network name is like abcx0143.domain.intra, which is just too hard to remember…

Reghack: DosHere, but on files too!

Annoying: You want a command shell, but there is no folder in view in the Windows Explorer, just the files…

Balloon tips OFF in windows

Want to get rid of those nasty balloon tips, hovering over the task tray? Here's the registry command: reg add…

Suppress printer warning popups on Windows Server

Want to get rid of the popups that appear on your Windows Print server when print jobs are to be…

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