
Recovering NTFS inheritance

A little time ago, my (admin) user in Windows 10 was so badly damaged, that I had to re-create it.…

Managing Windows features using RSAT

One of the more useful Windows features for Windows administrators is the Remote Server Administration Tools pack (RSAT). Apart from…

Enable server 2012R2 disk performance counters

Today I was viewing the performance statistics in task manager on Server 2012 R2, and noticed that disk performance is not…

Powershell: Get an indented process tree

In PowerShell, there is the Get-Process cmdlet. However, this does not return the ParentProcessId property, so it is unsuitable for…

Reading the Windows Registry from PowerShell

Reading the Windows registry from PowerShell can be a bit cumbersome, when all you wanted to retrieve is the value…

HP Universal Printer PCL 6 driver cannot read printer capabilities

This bug I encountered last week. While writing a system to define printers and TCP/IP ports in bulk on Windows…

Managing Windows features from the command line with RSAT

Note: An update of this article for Windows 10 can be found here One of the more useful Windows features…

Weird error on Windows 7 with RUNAS.EXE with locally defined user

The other day, I noticed something strange with Windows 7's runas.exe command. When I specify a local user, a local…

Merging videos with mencoder

In this article, I present an easy way to merge all video files in a directory using the Open Source…

CMD.EXE: About Variables

In this article I will give some extra information on the usage of CMD.EXE variables in batch files. These variables…

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